The skills development programmes we offer in this department are designed to teach skill sets that are relevant to different occupations and at the same time are credited by CATHSSETA, so they can contribute towards nationally recognised qualifications.
All the qualifications offered at the College are recognised by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Our learners achieve these qualifications through a combination of training sessions on campus and experiential learning back in the workplace.
The Rural Initiatives for a Sustainable Environment Unit (RISE) unit falls within the department and focuses on community-based natural resource management and good governance.
RISE collaborates with various organisations as a long-term partner in implementing community engagement programmes according to what each community might need or benefit from. RISE aims to both house and take the College’s Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) work forward. We currently support community programmes in Mozambique, Mpumalanga, and Kwa-Zulu Natal, specifically looking at the wildlife economy, targeted skills development, and environmental education, as well as facilitating CBNRM training.