Protected Area Security Operations Planning (PASOP)

Course ID
Protected Area Integrity
Various instructors
Campus, Offsite
14 days


The Protected Area Security Operational Planning (PASOP) is the operational manual of the Protected Area (PA). It is the guideline for all security operations in the Protected Area. It serves as a continuation tool when management changes. This PASOP plan is presented in a constructive format as it is a living document and needs to be adjusted as the dynamic in the PA changes. At the end of this course, you will have a functional management plan with Standing Order Procedures (SOP) and the necessary checklists. It is based on the Ten Steps Anti-Poaching Model.

It includes:

  • Demonstrate a detailed knowledge of the Ten (10) Step Counter-Poaching model.
  • Compile a Protected Area Security Operational Plan.
  • Compile Standing Operational Procedures for a Protected Area.

Entry level requirements

Nominees must meet the following requirements:

Completed a Field Ranger Law Enforcement Armed course or similar Para-military training

Have operated as a field ranger on anti-poaching operations for at least one year.

Be physically fit to complete the course.

Have a valid Rifle competency from the SAPS.

Member must be at least in a leadership or management level in the PA.

The Southern African Wildlife College offers organisations and or private businesses the opportunity to enrol their staff for training in any of our short courses on the basis of ten people attending as a minimum requirement.