121 HRM

Human resource management

Course ID
121 HRM
Natural Resource Management
NQF Level 6
External, Lesley Greyling
Blended Learning, Campus
10 days contact training, 8 weeks blended learning

The Southern African Wildlife College offers organisations and or private businesses the opportunity to enrol their staff for training in any of our short courses on the basis of ten people attending as a minimum requirement. Training can take place at the SAWC, via online format, or on-site at a location preferred and provided by the client. Courses can be tailored according to the specific needs of the organisation. Many short courses are offered in an online or blended-learning format for distance learners.


  • Principles of management and human resource management.
  • The effect of external factors on management practices.
  • Effective leadership skills.
  • Application of motivation dynamics and the impact on productivity in the workplace.
  • Basic interviewing skills in recruitment, selection and placement.
  • Performance appraisals
  • Grievance and disciplinary procedures
  • Development of job descriptions
  • Communications skills
  • Basic skills relating to raining needs assessment in the workplace.
Suitable for: 

Managers, assistants, people in leadership or supervisory roles, and individuals who want to learn management principles.