Field Ranger Law Enforcement – Unarmed

Course ID
Protected Area Integrity
NQF Level 2
Excelent Macabe, Gert Dibakoane, John Makgoka
Campus, Contact Training
5 weeks


The purpose of this training is to improve the learners ability to work as a field ranger in the area of conservation by reinforcing and improving the skills that he/she currently has and then building skills and abilities upon these. Upon completion of the programme the learner will be able to provide basic protected areas security, be capable of gathering useful data on the natural resources under his/her care. The learner’s understanding of how natural systems function will improve and he/she should gain a better understanding of the resources under his/her care; with consideration of resources that require particular conservation concern.

Field Ranger – Law Enforcement (Armed or UnArmed) is without question the most important part of the development of a Field Ranger as it prepares him/her for the actual circumstances that will be encountered during the day-to-day tasks being performed by a Field Ranger. The knowledge and training should give the learner the confidence to function better in his/her position as a field ranger and as a member of the local community.

Target Group

Current field assistant staff, e.g. field rangers, general assistant, field staff and security guards of conservation areas.
The course is structured in such a manner that it equips existing and potential protected area staff or community leaders with the relevant skills required to fulfil their operational tasks more efficiently. It is aimed at individuals who are involved with, or wish to make a significant contribution to the practical law enforcement and field tasks of a conserved area.

Entry level requirements

It is assumed that the learner entering a programme leading to this qualification has achieved a qualification at NQF Level 2 or equivalent.

The learner will be required to have:

The physical ability required of a field ranger

Been declared medically fit

No criminal record.

Exit Level Outcomes

Learners qualifying against the skills programme will be able to:

Explain the importance of managing personal finances

Set personal financial goals

Identify ways to achieve personal financial goals

Develop a personal and/or family budget

Explain the basic principles of personal hygiene.

Demonstrate an understanding of healthy and nutritious eating habits.

Demonstrate an understanding of the consequences of abusing drugs and medicine.

Demonstrate an understanding of sports and/or recreational activities for a healthy lifestyle.

Explain the concept and principles of nature conservation broadly.

Outline the history of nature conservation.

Demonstrate the relevance of nature conservation principles to society.

Explain the inter-relatedness within ecosystems.

Identify locally scarce plants and animals.

Explain the purpose and state the principles of wildlife monitoring.

Identify local plants and animal species including their sign, spoor and habitat.

Count the local plants and animals.

Determine the locality of animals, plants and abiotic elements.

Record information on species observed.

Communicate directions to specific locations according to the requirements of the situation.

Find, orientate and navigate along a route to a specified destination.

Read, interpret and use maps.

Draw and/or create simple maps.

Plot information on a map using symbols.

Conduct patrols in order to collect and interpret information associated with conservation

React appropriately within the law and according to established procedures, in order to counter
any illegal activities.

Collect evidence in order to be able to prosecute a suspect and present evidence in a court of law.

Apply appropriate communication techniques during conservation guardianship operations.

Identify the advantages and disadvantages of working in a team or group.

Identify the characteristics of an effective team or group.

Identify the roles and responsibilities of individuals in a team or group.

Identify techniques to manage group dynamics.

Selection Process - Ranger Training

The Occupational Qualifications certificates and skills development programmes are designed to be occupationally relevant and are composed of various credits which can be used towards a nationally recognised qualification.