Dangerous Game Awareness

Responsible Resource Use and FIeld Guiding - the College's core training area is the ideal setting for training activities, offering many close encounters with rhino and other game.
Course ID
Responsible Resource Management
Various instructors
Campus, Contact Training, Offsite
1 or 2 training days


To introduce staff who work in areas where they will possibly encounter dangerous wildlife species to avoidance, awareness and defensive action.

Target Group

Field Rangers, game guards, conservation workers, EPWP workers, students, researchers.

Entry level requirements

The learner will be required to have:

Basic English literacy

Exit Level Outcomes

Awareness of best practice in awareness, avoidance and defensive actions if dangerous species are encountered.

PH Assessment grading tool

The SAWC offers organisations and or private businesses the opportunity to enrol their staff for training in any of our short courses. Training can take place on campus, via online format, or on-site at a location preferred and provided by the client. Courses can be tailored according to the specific needs of the organisation.