Apply To SAWC

Details about how to apply

The College offers a variety of courses including its Higher Education and Training Programmes, Occupational Qualifications, Short Courses and other vocational training programmes.

All of our students on the Higher Education and Training (HET) Advanced Certificate programme and the National Certificate in Natural Resource Management: Terrestrial, come to us via organisations where they are already employed.  These two courses are limited to just 50 students per year and regrettably do not cater for independent applicants. We do require a letter of endorsement from these respective organisations to accompany any applications for the HET courses. 

Our Youth Access Bridging Course is also conducted in collaboration with affiliated organisations and with the local community. We receive students (school leavers) directly through these channels and as part of a call for applications. 

Those interested in our Occupational Qualifications and Short Courses are welcome to apply independently. 

ALL applicants are required to complete the relevant course application form and submit this along with any accompanying documentation stipulated for that course.

Higher Education and Training Certificates & National Qualifications

12-month to 24-month qualifications qualifications in Natural Resource Management offered to wildlife management professionals.

Occupational Qualifications

Credit-based skills development courses training for specific jobs from field guiding to reserve maintenance.

Customised Conservation Courses

Short specialist courses and master classes with limited capacity aimed at professionals and students already in the conservation field.

Youth Access Bridging Programme

Six-month course for matriculants from historically disadvantaged communities creating opportunities to work in conservation. Coupled with this is experiential training in the workplace.

The Application Process


Identify the course you want to apply for

Use our website or contact us to identify the right course for you.


Check that you meet the prerequisites

Make sure you qualify to enrol on the course of interest by checking the necessary requirements and prerequisites available for that course on our website.


Request an application form

Locate your course of interest on our website and click the enquire link for the specific application form for that course.


Fill out application form

You will be able to download the right application form from the course outline on our website. Make sure you fill in the form according to the instructions provided on the form.


Gather supporting documents

You will need to provide a letter of motivation, certified copy of educational qualifications, certified copy of identity document, certified medical certificate, updated CV and any other documents specified in your application form.


Submit application form

Upload the completed application form and accompanying documents.  All correctly filled-out and submitted application forms will be reviewed and subject to a selection process. Once your application has been reviewed you will be notified.  Please await our response.



Where to submit necessary documents?

Completed application forms and all accompanying documents must be submitted electronically, not exceeding 5 MB per document.