Southern African Wildlife College 20 Years Since Inception
1996 – 2016
Since its inception in 1996 and in close cooperation with interested and affected parties in southern Africa, including national and provincial government departments, other conservation agencies and the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the Southern African Wildlife College has sought to empower people from Africa, more specifically southern Africa, to manage and conserve some of the world’s most biologically diverse areas.
The establishment of this centre of specialization in conservation education, training and skills development, would not have been possible without WWF South Africa’s initial vision, the support of Peace Parks Foundation, the incredible munificence of the donor community as well as the generous grant made available by the German Development Bank (KfW) which has made the construction of Phase I and II of the College’s infrastructure development possible.
Today, 20 years hence, the College has trained over 15,000 people within the conservation and environmental sector. This includes natural resource managers, wildlife Law enforcement officers and monitors, field rangers, field guides, youth wanting to bridge in to the conservation and environmental education sector, youth involved in environmental services and members of local communities, amongst others. Given the increasing challenges faced, it has become even more critical for this Higher Education and Training institution to impart the knowledge and skills needed to conserve and protect the biodiversity not only of the African continent but the future of our collective natural heritage.
See the Southern African Wildlife College’s comprehensive 2016 Annual Review by clicking here.