As part of the RISE team Bhejane, the unit’s mascot, also travelled to Mayibuye in December 2017, where he met Mr. Khuphuka Mchunu, known as the Messenger of Mayibuye. Baba Mchunu, now 82 years old, was removed from his home in 1963. After the first democratic elections in South Africa, land restitution became a high...Read More
If you saw the movie “The Ghost And The Darkness” you’ll know something about the Tsavo man-eating lions. This is a story that has long fascinated me so I jumped at the opportunity while on a recent trip the USA to visit the Chicago Field Museum where these most famous lions now reside. For those...Read More
The first National Qualification Framework (NQF) Level 2 Dangerous Game Site Guide course to be conducted by the Sustainable Use and Field Guiding department started Monday 22 January with the arrival of its ten participants. They are a diverse and interesting mixture of students. Sam Beavers and Graham Scott hale from the USA. Matt Rogerson...Read More
2017 represented the Trust’s 17th year in keen support of education in nature and wildlife conservation at the College. Highlights of the year included our AGM in July, attending the graduation of the HET students at the College in November, and the awarding of the highly-prized three SAWCT scholarships and two SAWCT bursaries for 2018. Our...Read More
The Mayibuye Game Reserve (MGR) is in KwaZulu Natal Province and lies on the north eastern side of Camperdown, 45km from Durban and 40km from Pietermaritzburg on the N3, the main arterial road running from Durban to Johannesburg. The local community, the Ximba people, were awarded a land restitution claim in terms of a settlement...Read More